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Bio - Julie Donohue-Kpolugbo

 If you have been in the Beaufort Delta Divisional Education Council (BDDEC) in the last 8+ years, it is likely that you have heard an impassioned speech by Julie Donohue-Kpolugbo about literacy and our collective moral imperative to do what is best for all children.   Julie currently serves as the Literacy Consultant and Instructional Coach Coordinator in BDDEC including a more recent focused work in Grades 1-6 ELA supports.  She has been with us at the BDDEC office since August 2016, after 3 years working at Mangilaluk School in Tuktoyaktuk. 

Over the last 20 years, Julie has worked in a variety of locations in North America, South America and Africa serving in varying capacities including classroom teacher, instructional leader, program support teacher, coach, and literacy consultant.  In 2011, she won the VIF International Educator of the Year Award in Atlanta, Georgia. 

Julie's work is rooted in her passion for literacy and improving pedagogical practice, which now also includes the ongoing development, implementation and support of the BDDEC Instructional Coaching program.   She is not only known for her enthusiasm, but also for her advocacy and compassion for children, work ethic, organization, willingness to collaborate, perspectives on diversity, and inspiring others in their own journey.  

Julie holds a Master of Arts degree with a focus on elementary pedagogy as well as a certification in International Development with an emphasis on program planning for sustainability.  Most recently, Julie graduated as a member of the Learning Forward Academy Class of 2019 with specific concentration on supporting BDDEC toward a future that highlights some of the best teaching and student success in the Northwest Territories.